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buildr 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2022-08-13

  • fix documentation to be HTML5 compliant

buildr 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2021-01-10

  • complete reboot, a whole new philosophy built around automatically generated, fully editable Makefile and prioritization of its “rules”

  • “trinity” of essential functions introduced:

    • init() initializes a Makefile in project root with automatically discovered build scripts
    • aim() sets one of the Makefile targets to be recognized by RStudio’s Build pane (prioritization)
    • build() builds the first Makefile entry (set by user or via aim())


  • pkgdown is used to build package website, so you can read the news, vignettes and full documentation in a more pleasant, responsive way even outside R

  • partly covered with testthat tests

buildr 0.0.4

CRAN release: 2020-05-12

  • first CRAN release
  • package offers basic functionality